European Forum Cyprus

12 June 2009


Two tests for Cyprus - World financial crisis and identity

4th Seminar 2008/2009 of the

European Forum Cyprus

in co-operation with
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

co-funded by the European Commission

Nicosia, 12 –14 June 2009

Restaurant Château Status
12 Marcou Drakou Str., Nicosia (opposite Ledra Palace Hotel)

Friday, 12 June 2009

Arrival of experts

19:30 Reception for participants and experts at the Restaurant Château Status

Saturday, 13 June 2009

9:00 Breakfast for experts and participants

9:30 Opening of the meeting

The World Financial Crisis and Cyprus

10:00 The World Financial Crisis and Europe


12:00 Lunch

13:30 Implications of the World Financial Crisis for Cyprus and the neighbouring countries


15:30 Coffee Break


Cyprus – which identity for one island?

15:45 The Levant – the forgotten identity?

Introduction of the theme and moderator: N.N., Council of Europe


17:15 Coffee Break

Social Event (tbc)

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Cyprus – which identity for one island? (continued)

9:00 Breakfast

9:30 Cypriot without a hyphen – impossible or unknown identity?

Introduction of the theme and moderator: Participant


11:00 Coffee Break

11:15 Cyprus and European identity

Introduction of the theme and moderator:
Mr Christos Christophides General Secretary of the Democratic Youth Organisation


13:00 Lunch

14:30 Discussion experts/participants concluding the 1st Year of the European Forum Cyprus

Common perspectives for Cyprus ?

17:00 Social event– Certificates of participation


Panikos Chrysanthou
was born in 1951, in Kythera, Cyprus, and graduated from the University of Athens with a joint degree in literature and philosophy. He worked as an assistant director and executive producer in Greek and Cypriot films before beginning to make his own films, which he not only directs but also produces. In 1997, Chrysanthou became one of the two Cypriots, along with Niyazi Kizilyürek, to have received the prestigious Abdi Ipekçi Peace Award for his film Our Wall. The award is presented every two years by a joint Greco-Turkish committee to politicians, artists, and academics from Turkey and Greece that have contributed toward increased understanding between the two peoples. Chrysanthou is also a renowned film critic and curator.

Dr. Angelos Giannakopoulos [presentation]
PhD in Sociology (Tübingen, Germany); Master in Political Science (Athens), Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Konstanz, Germany. Fields of research: modernization of Southeastern Europe, European integration and identity, corruption, applied empirical research methods. Coordinator of the international research project: "Cultural Aspects of the EU-Enlargement Process on the Basis of the Relations between the EU and Turkey" supported by the "Volkswagen Foundation" (2003 - 2005). Researcher and Head of the Project Office within the international research projects: "Crime as a Cultural Problem. The Relevance of Perceptions of Corruption to Crime Prevention" (2006 - 2009) and “ALACs: Promotion of Participation and Citizenship in Europe” (2009 - 2012), supported within the 6th and 7th Framework Programs of the European Commission. Visiting Professor at the Universities of Budapest, Galatasaray (Istanbul) and Cyprus. Visiting Scholar at the universities of Yale (USA) and Waseda (Japan).

Prof. Dr. Seyfettin Gürsel [presentation]
After his graduation from Galatasaray Highschool and after receiving his BSc in Economics from Grenoble University and successfully completing the Institute of Political Sciences (IEP), Professor Gürsel received his MSc and PhD in Economics from University of Paris-Nanterre in 1979. In 1980, he started working as lecturer in İstanbul University from where he resigned in 1983 to work in İletişim Publishing, as the editor in chief for the Encyclopaedia of Turkey in the Republican Era. Between 1986 and 1994, he held various managerial positions in private sector. He returned to academics in Galatasaray University in 1994 where he became associate professor in 1995 and professor in 2000. He worked there as the head of department of economics between 1996 and 2007, and as the vice-president between 2004-2007. Since 2007, Professor Gürsel lectures on economics at Bahçeşehir University and since 2008, he works as the director of Bahçeşehir University Centre for Economic and Social Research. Professor Gürsel has written a number of books, articles and research papers on the economic history of Turkey, on Labour Economics and on the Turkish economy and its electoral system.

Dr. Niyazi Kizilyürek
was bon in 1959 in Pandoria, Cyprus. He is a well known Turkish Cypriot political commentator. A Turkish Cypriot political analyst and, since 1995, academic at University of Cyprus, Nicosia. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies, and is also the head of Political Science. He graduated from University of Bremen, Germany in 1983, where he also obtained his PhD in 1990. A keen social researcher, Kizilyurek's work is well respected on both sides of his divided homeland.

Dr. Daniela Schwarzer
is head of the research division EU Integration at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) in Berlin. The SWP advises the German Parliament and government on international and security affairs. In 2007/2008 she was a member of the working group "Europe" of the Whitebook Commission on Foreign and European Policy in the French Foreign Ministry and a visiting researcher at the French Institute for International Relations ifri in Paris. She has been a visiting lecturer at the European University Viadrina, the College of Europe in Bruge, Freie Universität Berlin and the European Institute in Macau. Together with Sebastian Dullien she is founding editor of (2006). She is also founding editor of the European Political Economy Review (2003). From 1999-2004 she served as editorialist and France correspondent for Financial Times Deutschland. From 1996-1999 she was chargée de mission and later head of the information department for the European Monetary Union in Paris. Daniela Schwarzer studied Political Science and Linguistics in Tübingen, Reading (UK) and at Science Po, Paris. She holds a PhD in Political Economy from Freie Universität Berlin co-supervised by the London School of Economics. As part of her PhD research she was a visiting researcher at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.

Dr. Marie-Carmen Smyrnelis [presentation]
holds a doctorate in History from the “Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales” in Paris. Her research and published work mainly focus on the history of the city of Smyrna (today’s Izmir) from the 18th to the early 20th century, on questions related to multiple identities, on the modalities of co-existence of various populations in the Mediterranean and on social relation networks. Her three works are titled: Une societé hors de soi. Identités et relations sociales à Smyrne aux 18e et 19e siècles, Paris- Louvain, Ed.Peeters, 2005. Smyrne, la ville oubliée ?  1830-1930. Mémoires d'un grand port ottoman, Paris, Ed. Autrement, 2006. (This book was also translated into both Greek and Turkish). Une ville ottomane plurielle. Smyrne aux 18e et 19e siècles, Istanbul; Ed. Isis, 2006.
Having worked for many years at the “Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme” in Paris, she is at the moment teaching at the “Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales” (Paris), and is a researcher at the “Institut Catholique de Paris”. She has also been invited to teach at the University of Crete.

Prof. Andreas Theophanous
Professor of Political Economy, Head of the Department of European Studies and International Relations of the University of Nicosia, and Director of the Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs. Professor Andreas Theophanous joined Intercollege in 1993 (which was recognized as a university in 2007 and was renamed thereafter as University of Nicosia). He served as Economic Advisor to the President of the Republic of Cyprus from September 1990 to February 1993. Currently he is the Director of the Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs and also the Head of the Department of European Studies and International Relations of the University of Nicosia. In addition to teaching courses in this Department (i.e. Political Economy, European Integration, Cyprus and the EU) he has also taught for several years Global Economy in the MBA program. Andreas Theophanous was born in Cyprus on February 14, 1960. In 1980, he went to the USA on a Fulbright scholarship. He received his BA degree in Economics and Political Science (with distinction, baccalaureate) from Susquehanna University in 1983. In the same year he was offered an Assistantship from the Department of Economics of The Pennsylvania State University from which he received the MA and PhD degrees in Economics in 1985 and 1988 respectively. A specialist on issues relating to Cyprus-European Union relations and on European Union affairs, he has (among other things) also done pioneering work on the economic aspects of the day after a solution to the Cyprus problem. He has served on national and international committees dealing with political, economic and research issues. He visited several European, American and other universities and think-tanks as a Visiting Professor, Senior Fellow and/or Guest Speaker. These Institutions include the London School of Economics and Political Science, the Brookings Institution, the Woodrow Wilson International Center of Scholars, the Center for European Integration Studies – University of Bonn, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the University of Athens and the University of Tokyo. Professor Theophanous has published several books and numerous articles on economic and political issues; these include work on the Cyprus problem, Cyprus-EU relations and EU-Turkish relations. He has also organized and participated in international conferences, seminars and professional events, and has been responsible for developing and coordinating several research projects.

Mr Andrew Watt [presentation]
born 1963 in the UK, first degree in languages and economics, Surrey University, Political science studies, Free University of Berlin, MA in Advanced European Studies from the University of Basle, Switzerland. At the ETUI since August 2000, initially researcher and managing editor of ETUI Quarterly TRANSFER; ince 2002 senior researcher in employment policy. 1990-2000 freelance collaboration with German Institute of Economic Research (DIW), Social Science Center Berlin (WZB) and other research institutes.

Dr. Yelda Yücel [presentation]
has obtained in 2003 a PHD in Economics at Boğaziçi University (İstanbul). Since the same year she is working as Senior Economist at the Research Department at the Yapı Kredi Bank in İstanbul. She has also taught Economics at the Universities of Koç, Bilgi and Boğaziçi. She has provided analysis on the Turkish economy for international foundations and think tanks.